Saturday, February 25, 2006

1st BLOG, 1st ice-skating experience!

This is my FIRST ever post!
and I'd like to dedicate this post to my ever-gTL friends that accompanied me for this FATEFUL afternoon.
My, my, this is going to be so FUN to write about.
let's see, how to start myself?

I started work early this morning at around 8 o'clock, was late for work because of an accident on miserable Port Klang bridge that caused me to reach my office at 9 o'clock. I quickly did whatever I had to do in the office. Borrowed my dad's touch n go and.... Vrroomm.. away I went. (clocked in at 11.45)

I reached Shin Fei's house a little before 12 o'clock. Only to find out that she had already left. It was my fault for not checking my hp before leaving. (only have myself to blame) After that, picked up Pek Yee n Ya Cheng. Moving on to Lee Chen's house reached there around 12.45pm due to 'foreseen' circumstances. Left with 4 person sitted in my car. The ladies were Lee Chen, Ya cheng, Pek Yee and Mei Kuan.

(clocked in at 1 something) Yat Tuang and Shin Fei furious to know that we're still quite sometime before we reach our designated destination.

( clocked in at 2 something) finally reached destination. We split up into 2 groups.
1st group * the initial ones who wanted to go n have fun TOGETHER* comprises of myself, lee chen, ya cheng , shin fei and yat tuang. We went ICE SKATING! The other group, comprises of pek yee and mei kuan who went shopping by themselves.

Anyway! let's make a short story long. Ya Cheng, Lee Chen and I were famished which leads to a rest stop in macdonald before moving on to the skating rink.

Making our way on to the skating rink..( this is my favourite part ) I conveniently informed everyone in the skating gang countless times that "this is my FIRST time ice-skating". They didn't really believe me. What can I do? We paid our entrance fee, got our skates which were soaking wet inside, pulled it on and we slowly make our way to the grand entrance of the ice-rink. Once I put my foot down on the first layer of ice, Lee Chen said, the "WiLd BeAsT" inside me AWAKENED!! She said she didn't see me much after that.(but that's her part of the story)
My part however differs slightly. I naturally did what I did BEST! I went and pretend I'm was an olympic-ice-skater and skated as if I were talented. I might have actually pulled it off....... if not for that blasted skates that didn't know when or how to stop. Anyway, once I went on the ice there was no turning back. I skated at top speed... wanted to stop... feets crossed in front of one another.. and Whoooooosssh.... down I went flying, the spreadeagle style.... *thank god I have no future plannings to study near Sunway Pyramid* well.. that was my FIRST fall..

Then, there was the second... not much of a drama.. but still worth mentioning. I fell down on my bottoms and glided for a good 3-4 feet on the ice. Sitting there as if I was a baby doll. (hEY! it was kinda hard standing up okay!!)

TADADADA!!!! the THIRD one is the CHARM I tell you!! This is the ONE worth READING.
Well, after the 2 falls, I thought I was good enough to at least go a BIT FasTer. I wanted to catch up with the rest of the gang just so I can tell them I've done more ROUNDS then them.
I RACED at TOP speed.... Skating as fast as my cold legs can go... I was getting closer and CLOSER to them * yattuang, yacheng and leechen* . I suddenly came to a realisation. I DON'T know HOW to STOP!! Lee Chen was the lucky one of the lot. I totally missed her by a lot.
As I was saying, I didn't know how to stop. Therefore, I stopped the ONLY way I knew how...hehehehe.... ( done while screaming at the top of my lungs) I grabbed Ya Cheng -->Ya Cheng grab Yat Tuang --> Yat Tuang grab someone else.. and all of us fell down with an incredible "DUSH". I STOPPED! (correction) WE STOPPED!
hehehe..Adding salt to wound, all our legs were sort of tangled up and it took us quite sometime to 'untangle' and straightened out ourselves.. hehehehe..Hey! at least I cushioned Ya Cheng's FALL!! so it's not THAT BAD!
I can still picture their fury.. and lee chen's endless laughter and amusement.. it was one of my most funniest moment of my life... hahahaa.. chain reaction... Lee Chen saw it FIRST HAND!!
said she couldn't do anything to stop me.. just watch me zoom and hit the rest.. I must have been like a bullet.. there's this chinese proverb saying " to hit 2 birds with 1 stone" well.. I've outdone this chinese proverb...HAAHAHAH.. now I can say it proudly.. you hit one with two! I hit one with THREE.

Later after the machine went in and out.. I skated together with Shin Fei as the rest are just too FRIGHTENED to skate anywhere near me.. declaring me as accident zone area.. oh well.. but I'm alright when someone holds my hand and skate with me. For some particular reason, this makes me all the more stable then I normally am. hohoho.. and this Shin Fei.. I'd like to think that she has grown up to be an attractive girl, and for some reason. She ALWAYS falls in front of this red t-shirt guy, who ALWAYS helps HER up and forget to lend me a hand.
* I still think Shin Fei should have introduced herself*

After some time, I changed partner. This time, with Lee Chen. Our skating together holding hands to support one another is just "DA BOMB" I tell you. Whenever the other one feels like losing our balance and is about to fall. We will perform some kungfu sotong stance just to stabilize ourselves. We have performed Advanced Kungfu Sotong and graduated with blackbelt (don't play play) We did not have a single fall! wooHOO for US.

We continued later with trying to take some sticker picture at the usual place. And Boy! Never had I had to wait so long or I've never seen such ill-mannered kids in my life. How uneducated brats to pull the plug on us. Causing Yat Tuang so much precious studying time. If I see that AfRO GIRL some other time, I'll pull all her hair out one by one to allow her maximum PAIN.

At any rate, we finished taking our photoes with lots of laments, complains and screaming while we were donning the machine. But YES! we managed to have satisfactory pictures.. i guess.. hehehe..

Okay one last thing before I knock out to sleep. I just want to mention, Lee Chen's mouth missed the French FRIES by a MILE, she was feeding herself no one tried to sabotaged her!!! and I SAW IT!!! hahahahaha....

okay.. so much for now.. I guess...
hopefully it's satisfactory to gTL standards!


Blogger monsterGrrr! said...

OH MY GOD!. somehow i feel ur blog is promoting me as a sadistic! careless! glutton! brat. arggh!>. hahaha.. btw, i enjoyed d blog. as i said b4, i can picture u at d side tellin me d whole story with saliva splashin everywhere.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:51:00 AM  
Blogger irreversible said...

hey hui wan! cool blog. lmao reading it.. well imagining you all la actually. get a "tag board" la. its so much easier to leave u messages.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:35:00 PM  

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