Friday, March 17, 2006

An Amusing Conversation

I just had the most amusing conversation I had in a long long time. Not only did he called ya cheng ms angry looking which I thought was hilarious! He was smoking mad about older girls dating guys younger then him. He was simply HILARIOUS! hahahahaha the conversation went on something like this after I told him a number of my friends dating guys younger then him..

anonymous says: what in the world is wrong with you people diggin guys 2 years your junior?
anonymous says: i dont und
anonymous says: whats wrong with guys a year younger?!
Shirley says: u ppl not as skill full as the ppl of dragon year~!
anonymous says: ...
Shirley says: must be more manly kua!hahahahahahah!
anonymous says: right
anonymous says: but rabbits are darn happening creatures la!
anonymous says: manly?!
anonymous says: im manly what!
anonymous says: eh, im no more the small thing u used to see back in high school, thats a fact!

He was simply damn adorable! He must have thought he's some guy every other girl should swoon at!! Maybe he thought he was CAssanova! kakakaka.. in short.. it was pretty funny!

*the name is changed to protect the kids identity!! hahaha..

Monday, March 13, 2006

Irritating Things that happens to me all the time..

I was suppose to write this blog yesterday, but I was so sleepy I decided to sleep first. So here I am, sitting in the office alone, eating my lunch alone, listening to music alone and enjoying it alone. So pathetic.

Anyway, about yesterday! Yesterday, I decided to stay back and do a little bit of O/T because I have some unfinished work that I have to finish. As I was driving my way back home, I saw this blue whale bus. He was blocking half of the road, being the polite driver that I am, I decided to swerve around him. Just as I was closing in on him. That blardy sueh driver decided to gas the pedal and some squiret of black smoke came upon me. I had to inhale poisonous gas that some how manage to seep into my car. The experience was like some evil plague that came to destroy my lungs. What EVIL!!
I gave him an evil stare in exchange.......*stares evilly*

So okay, I thought that would be the worst of it. But NO!!!.. the day is not over yet it says.
Not too long later, as I was driving up the Port Klang bridge. I received an anonymous phone call. I endangered my life while searching high and low for my phone in my bag. I quickly pressed the green button.

Shirley: Hello?
Anonymous: Hello? Mummy ah?
*shirley tio kek (bombed) and tio chua (terkejut)... dunno since when she had kids?*
then nevermind, The kid thought that I did not pick up the phone. He continues to dial his mommy's number *toottoottoot...*
He said hello again.. I patiently replied, "Hello?" Immediately, he put down the phone.

This incident remind me about another incident that happened when I was in Lower 6 at ACS. Canteen Day was near, my class busy with preparations and looking for sponsors where ever possible. One fine day, *a few days before canteen day* this old woman called me.

Old woman: Wa ai kueh ka, Wa ai ee eh ba, Mai kut
i want chicken leg, i want the meat, don't want bone.
shirley:*oh oh.. le tan ji ma kua wa ke gia pen lai chao ke lai*
oh oh.. You wait for awhile, I want to go take pen and copy it down.
old woman: ho ho
okay okay
shirley: ha mi? ko lai?
what? again?
old woman: neng jia kueh, hor.
2 chicken okay?
shirley: OKAY!
old woman: eh le si mm si sheh li ng?
eh are you sheh li ng?
Shirley: huh? wa mm si sheh li ng la..
huh? I am not sheh li ng la..
Old woman: hehehe.. pai seh pai seh.. wa pa cho ho beh liao.. sorry ah..
malu malu........i dialled the wrong number already..

Kanasai, she thought I was some Chicken Seller. I sound like some chicken seller meh? Pimp at least not so bad la!!! chicken BUTCHER??? WHAT THE HECK!!It was kinda funny though. Especially the part where I ACTUALLY ask her to wait so I can grab a pen and write it down!! I thought it was some sponsorship (chicken). I feel so sad, disappointed, people thought i was some chicken butcher?

Haih, Cheryl Gan some how always eludes a mamaking session with us. We went mamak ( me, Shwu Tyng and Ya Cheng) but Cheryl Gan did not turn up.
By the way, did you notice yesterday was a full moon at night? I thought I heard a pack of wolves howling at some church. hehehehehe.. Just joking ya cheryl..? Cheryl Gan rush all the way from Bukit Tinggi( the one in PAHANG.. not KLANG) to join that pack of wolves. She said she have to attend her church's choir practise and perhaps join us later. However, she could not make it. I totally understand. It's an ANIMAL instinct thing right Cheryl? You cannot overcome your NEEd to go A-HowLing on a Monday night!! hahaha.. After all, It IS a FULL MOOn.!

hahaha..bItE mE!

Monday, March 06, 2006

DumB friendster!

Oh my god! my testimonial cacat edi!
they've duplicated all my testimonials 4 times! so now i have more than 900 testimonials in my friendster! still more to go! OH MY GOD!! HOW LONG am I suppose to sit down and delete all the duplicated testimonials. This is so pathetic! i'm down to 959 testimonials 757 testimonials to delete! why can't they just make it easier for me to delete?!!

Lai Lee Chen and Tan Shin Fei.. taman rakyat seems so lonely without you people. Bahkutteh also missing all this kaki gossip edi! so LONELY!!!