Thursday, June 22, 2006

Taiwan Trip

I know it's been long over due..
I'll try not to write some long-grandma-leechen-story about it..

When I first landed in the airport and got on the bus this is what I see. Okay.. I admit I kinda liked watching it.. HAPPY leech!

At any rate just a few pictures to show where I went and who I met.

He's DAMN hot in UNIFORM!! but well after being in the sun half the day and all that.. they're marks along his face..

My 2nd aunty and grandma with the landscape of the salty moutain

tons of memorials of all the holy golden monks.. i'm just POSING okay.. not trying to BE.. i know.. buddha marked me ever since i was polluted by the gTLs..

I was SO stupid.. there the ocean is.. staring right at my face.. but it took somebody else after I've walked 3 km further from the sea that they ask me got touch the taiwan waters or not!! tio cha..

We're at some moutain-ish part of Taiwan. This is the Taiwan-motly-crew.


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